Should You Sell Your House and Live in An RV?

After a year of a global pandemic, more and more people are considering alternative lifestyles to save money, travel safely, and have new experiences. For some, the choice to sell a home in the United States and move into an RV now boils down to the real estate market. In this seller’s market, many homeowners view this as a great time to downsize and put money in their pockets. For others, the choice to sell a home is based on financial need.
The pandemic has shown us it’s more possible than ever to live, learn, and work remotely. This may be another reason why many people are turning toward nomadic life and moving into RVs full time. If you’re considering selling your home and joining the nomadic movement, read on for why it might work.
The Nomad Movement
The pandemic, trending van life movement, and availability of free public land usage in places like the United States are all causing people to look closer at motorhome living. People who already own campers and RVs are putting their houses on the market and packing their things in hopes of big changes.
Because of the sudden surge of interest in off-the-grid living, there’s no shortage of information on how living in an RV compares to living in a traditional stick and brick home. While there are pros and cons to everything, people who live full-time in RVs are sharing pointers all over platforms like YouTube on why making a motorhome a primary residence is a great way to go.
People living this lifestyle have begun to form in-person communities on a public land property, too. Sharing tips on living off the grid, how to handle old landlords, and the best ways to handle energy consumption are topics they laugh about over open campfires. Some have even made their lifestyles their incomes by becoming nomadic influencers.
Saving Money
The number one reason people are making the adjustment from traditional homes to RV living is nearly always money. One home sale can mean enough equity money in a bank account to keep someone on the road for years without worrying about the higher costs of living in brick and motor homes.
The ways to save money in an RV are nearly endless. Maybe you have problems that increase your utility bills at home that you can’t afford to fix. Instead of hiring a heating and cooling specialist, it can be tempting to put your home on the market as-is and let a real estate agent do what they can with it. If this is your situation, you aren’t alone. While the use of recreational vehicles for vacations and time at campgrounds isn’t new, the full-time community sprouting up around off the grid living is getting bigger by the day.
From the elimination of monthly bills like rent and mortgage, electricity, property taxes, and more, RVers claim their new lifestyles are buying them freedom. Whether traditional retired snowboards chasing sunsets and warm weather or the next generation of workers, people living in RVs are staying free on public land or cheaply at campgrounds around the country.
Living Off the Grid
For many, the idea of selling a house in New Jersey to hit the open road or head west can sound daunting. They worry about how they’d access the internet, what amenities they’d have, and whether or not full-time RV life is even for them. While it’s a good idea to do your own research, the truth is that most of the amenities you have in your home are ones that will come in your RV as well.
From refrigerators to full bathrooms and WIFI boosters, life has never been more luxurious on the road. Even those who park on BLM land out west and in Arizona are finding ways to stay connected while boondocking with other full-time RVers.
Perks to Nomadic Life
People who live on the road often swear by it. Even those who’ve been forced to sell homes, been evicted, or had other difficult situations that led them to RV living are finding major benefits to both their bank accounts and overall happiness. A lifestyle that forces a person to slow down, many are reporting that they’ve never been happier.
Only you can decide if now is a good time to sell your home and buy a new home on wheels. One way to decide if you’d enjoy full-time RV or converted van life is to spend a month at a campsite. By trying it out before selling your home, you’ll be in a place to make a better decision for yourself. Think about taking on a tenant to rent out your home while you try it out. The worst that can happen is that you discover the biggest perk of nomadic life ‚Äî freedom on the open road.